Fourth of July Las Vegas 2015
These are the pictures I took from the July 4th Fireworks overlooking Las Vegas. It was shot at VoTech mesa in Henderson. I had a Canon T5i, Tamron 16-300mm lens ...
The year so far 2015
This year has been some what busy and rough at times. It went off in a bad start with two of my photography bags stolen from my car. In it was my old T2i and a ...
Clarion Implosion @2:53 am February 10, 2015
Las Vegas is know for implosion and I couldn't pass up the chance to see this one. This is a lesser known hotel and casino that has changed it's name many times. Clarion ...
My little neglected blog
I'm not sure this will post. My post of a picture of a rainbow failed to post. So many things happening or so few depending on how you view it. I'm at the doctor's ...
App posting
This post coming from my new Android phone with the WordPress app. It's an LG Optimus L90, a midrange Andriod phone with Kit ...